Wednesday, October 14, 2009

That's not really a song...

And by the way, Colleen...just what are you doing to that wine are bound to attract goatee/baseball cap guys with that photo.

Folks, here are the pictures she should be posting:

See? She looks nice and normal with an affinity for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic delicacies. And yet she posts the humping-the-wine-barrel photo...

Well that's fine, Colleen, but just so you know, this isn't Big Love and we're not looking for a sister-wife, so you'd better class it up.

In all seriousness, I'd like to take some space to thank our Social Caper Keeper. Miss Colleen is a fine young lady who loves wine and getting out and enjoying all sorts of regional activities. Tirelessly, she arranges itineraries including wine tastings, apple festivals, and brunch cruises. Without her, Chris and I might sleep in more, spend more time with our families, keep up with our chores, etc. However, I now love red wine. So that says it all doesn't it? Thanks Colleen!

1 comment:

  1. Big Love? Nice one. There is that family out in Elmira searching for a 3rd...I may need to bark up that tree.
